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Ukrainian director Oleh Sentsov comes under fire on the front

Monday, 17 July 2023, 09:30
Ukrainian director Oleh Sentsov comes under fire on the front

Oleh Sentsov, a Ukrainian film director, soldier and former political prisoner of the Kremlin, has come under fire on the front. 

Source: Sentsov on Facebook

Quote: "The week did not go well. On the first combat mission after my return, during a landing, we came under artillery fire.


A Bradley [an armoured combat vehicle - ed.] saved our lives again.

Three [of us] were wounded, mostly with shrapnel. They’ve already removed the shrapnel from my face; the little bits in my arm and leg will stay with me forever.

The other guys are also doing well; Zaporizhzhia doctors know their stuff. Thank you."



  • On 9 July, Oleh Sentsov suffered a concussion while at the front.
  • On 14 July, he was awarded France's highest honour, the Legion of Honour. The award was presented to him at St Sophia Cathedral by the French ambassador, Etienne de Poncins.
  • In June, Sentsov was given the rank of second lieutenant.
  • On the second day of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, Sentsov posted a selfie in military camouflage and called on everyone to defend the country.

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