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Moscow Mayor claims 45,000 Muscovites are fighting in Ukraine

Wednesday, 16 August 2023, 19:13
Moscow Mayor claims 45,000 Muscovites are fighting in Ukraine
Russian Occupier. Photo by Ria

Sergei Sobyanin, Mayor of Moscow, claimed that almost 45,000 Muscovites are involved in Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine.

Source: Latvia-based Russian media outlet Meduza, referring to Sobyanin's statement on the Terytoriya smyslov forum 

Quote: "45,000 Muscovites today are fighting in the Special Military Operation zone [as the Russians call the war against Ukraine − ed.]. This is a significant part of those who are there."

Details: According to Sobyanin, about 20,000 people were mobilised in Moscow. About 20,000 people went to war as contractors and volunteers.

Sobyanin added that at least 5,000 more are professional soldiers from Moscow.

Meduza recalls that at the end of July, Sobyanin cited other data. On 26 July, he stated that 10,000 residents of Moscow had signed up for contract service and 20,000 had been mobilised.


  • On 14 April, Vladimir Putin, the president of the aggressor country, signed a law equating electronic draft notices to paper ones, introducing a register of persons liable for military service, and closing the borders to evaders.
  • In April, it was reported that the sending of electronic draft notices in Russia would begin in test mode during the spring conscription. It was noted that military service would be called up through the Gosuslugi portal [government services – ed.], in particular in Moscow.

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