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Drone attack on Pskov: first satellite images of airfield

Thursday, 31 August 2023, 00:38
Drone attack on Pskov: first satellite images of airfield

The first satellite images of an airfield after a night attack by Ukrainian drones on the Russian city of Pskov have been released by the media.

Source: Skhemy, a Radio Svoboda project exposing high-level corruption

Details: The Planet Labs images show that at least two Il-76 aircraft were damaged on the night of 29-30 August.


Having analysed the satellite images, aviation expert Anatolii Khrapchynskyi has confirmed the damage to the aircraft.

Quote from Khrapchynskyi: "On the satellite image, we can see that the surface near the wings is damaged, and it’s most likely that the drones tried to hit the fuel tanks located in that part of the aircraft.

However, this still means that the aircraft will have to be taken out for major repairs, which will take at least 2-3 months."


More details: Additionally, two red vehicles, similar to fire appliances, can be seen near one of the aircraft, which could have been used to extinguish the fire.

This type of aircraft is permanently based at the Pskov airfield.

The aircraft from this airfield are used by the 76th Guards Air Assault Division of the Russian army. It is also known as the Pskov Division, one of the divisions that took part in the capture of Bucha at the beginning of the full-scale invasion.

Background: Ukraine's Defence Intelligence confirmed the destruction of four Russian Il-76 military transport aircraft during a nighttime drone attack on Pskov.

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