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Poland and Slovakia react to Ukraine's appeal to WTO in regards to grain export ban

Monday, 18 September 2023, 22:47
Poland and Slovakia react to Ukraine's appeal to WTO in regards to grain export ban
Photo: Getty Images

The Polish and Slovak authorities say they will not lift unilateral restrictions on agricultural imports from Ukraine after it initiated a challenge within the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

Source: This was reported by European Pravda 

Details: In his comment to PAP news agency, Polish government spokesman Piotr Müller said Warsaw considers its ban on imports of Ukrainian grain justified.


Quote: "We will not allow Poland's agricultural market to be disrupted. We will not change our opinion on this issue and we’ll take steps to protect the interests of Polish farmers," he added.

Jozef Bíreš, Slovak Minister of Agriculture, said Bratislava is ready to reconsider the ban if Kyiv's proposals prove effective in controlling exports to his state after testing. 

"We will not change our position unless there are guarantees. We know how to present our causes and concerns to the WTO. I do not know whether the Ukrainian side will take into account the testing that we demand or will file a lawsuit," the Slovak portal SME quotes Bíreš.

According to media reports, Kyiv’s proposal entails the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine independently deciding on granting permits for grain exports to the EU, including five eastern member states, even if they oppose such permits.

The European Commission has announced it will not extend restrictions on imports of agricultural products from Ukraine after 15 September, but Kyiv has agreed to take measures to limit imports from its side.

Despite this, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia decided to introduce unilateral restrictions. In response, Ukraine began the procedure for challenging these restrictions within the World Trade Organisation.

Read also: Compromise Not in Kyiv's Interest: What's Behind European Commission's Decision on Ukrainian Grain

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