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Russia creates retraining centres for participants of war in Ukraine: they will teach "protection of Motherland" to children

Wednesday, 6 September 2023, 19:21
Russia creates retraining centres for participants of war in Ukraine: they will teach protection of Motherland to children

Russia has set up a centre for professional retraining for participants in the war against Ukraine. They will teach "Fundamentals of Security and Defence of the Motherland" in schools.

Source: Russian state-owned news agency TASS, referring to the statement of Sergei Kravtsov, Minister of Education of the Russian Federation 

Quote: "I will say for the first time that a centre was created on the basis of the State University of Education this year, aimed at retraining teachers-veterans of a special military operation [as the Russians call the war against Ukraine − ed.], as well as servicemen for the implementation of a new subject area with a prioritisation of practical training for a new ‘Fundamentals of Security and Defence of the Motherland’ subject."


Details: Kravtsov noted that this subject will strengthen the module of initial military training, which is being implemented now within the subject "Fundamentals of Life Safety".

According to Kravtsov, the testing of a new subject will begin this year, and it will be taught in schools starting in the next school year.

Kravtsov added that the programmes of the old and new courses will partially coincide, but in the lessons on the "Fundamentals of Security and Defence of the Motherland", students will be told about military duties and military service.



  • Earlier, UK intelligence reported that new sections related to military training and the Kremlin's vision of history and propaganda about the previous years of the war and the so-called "special military operation" against Ukraine had been added to the curriculum in Russian schools.

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