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Russians engage mechanised units near Avdiivka, losing 80% of equipment

Wednesday, 22 November 2023, 17:15
Russians engage mechanised units near Avdiivka, losing 80% of equipment
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On Wednesday 22 November, Russian forces tried to advance near Avdiivka, using several mechanised convoys with armoured vehicles, but lost 80% of equipment. 

Source: Colonel Oleksandr Shtupun, spokesman for the joint press centre of the Defence Forces in the Tavriia front, on air during the national 24/7 joint newscast

Quote: "[Near Avdiivka], the invaders intensified both the use of aviation and sharply increased the number of their offensive actions – by about 25-30%... Today, they tried to advance with several mechanised convoys with armoured vehicles. About a dozen and a half [pieces of equipment – ed.]. But they lost almost 80% of the vehicles. Our guys destroyed them. The remnants of these convoys retreated and battles are still ongoing. The invaders do not abandon their attempts to encircle Avdiivka."


Details: According to Shtupun, 13 Russian attacks were repelled over the past day.

Background: On 16 November, UK Defence Intelligence predicted that the Russians will suffer heavy losses if they decide to assault the Coke and Chemical Plant in Avdiivka, a key facility in the area.

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