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Videos show Russians sending "season's greetings" to Kherson: three injured, houses and cars damaged

Friday, 29 December 2023, 16:36
Videos show Russians sending season's greetings to Kherson: three injured, houses and cars damaged
The aftermath of the massive attack in Kherson, a screenshot from a video by the city authorities

Three people were injured and apartments, cars and garages were damaged in Russian attacks on Kherson on 29 December.

Source: Roman Mrochko, Head of the Kherson City Military Administration, on Telegram; State Emergency Service

Quote from Mrochko: "Kherson ahead of the New Year: three people wounded, windows broken, apartments and cars damaged, garages burned." 


Details: Mrochko posted a video of the Russians "sending season’s greetings to the citizens of the left bank".

Firefighters released a video of a fire that broke out in Kherson as a result of a Russian attack on the evening of 28 December.

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