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Ukrainian Defence Minister shows video of Russian tanks being destroyed by Bradley IFV at Ramstein meeting – video

Tuesday, 23 January 2024, 21:32
Ukrainian Defence Minister shows video of Russian tanks being destroyed by Bradley IFV at Ramstein meeting – video
Representatives of Ukraine at the "Ramstein" meeting on January 23, 2024. Photo: Ukraine's Ministry of Defense

Defence Minister Rustem Umierov has shown a video from the battlefield at a meeting of the Ukraine Defence Contact Group (also known as Ramstein-format meetings) to demonstrate what he means by an "asymmetric approach" and strategic advantage in the war with Russia.

Source: Ministry of Defence with reference to Rustem Umierov's closing speech at the Ramstein-format meeting

Quote: "We cannot reverse the progress we have made. Our unity and determination will defeat tyranny and aggression. As today's discussion shows, you understand our needs well. That is why meetings in this format are very valuable.


Indeed, we need to solve the problem of artillery shells shortages. We need spare parts and maintenance to keep the equipment working. Our troops need constant training. And it is absolutely essential that we preserve our air defence network. This is a lifesaving, vital priority.

Thank you for the valuable aid packages. With your support, Ukraine's fighting spirit will not be broken."

Details: Umierov demonstrated "what an asymmetric approach and strategic superiority over the enemy on the battlefield look like" by showing a video of the Ukrainian crew of a US Bradley infantry fighting vehicle stopping a modern Russian T-90M Proryv (Breakthrough) tank. During the clash, the Russian tank was damaged and then destroyed by FPV drones.

Quote: "In this battle, the Ukrainian crew faced two unexpected challenges. And they found a way to solve both of them.

The first problem was that the Bradley crew suddenly found themselves at close range to the Russian tank – no more than 150 metres away – and this made it impossible to use anti-tank weapons. However, the unit immediately used a 25-mm cannon with armour-piercing ammunition.

The second problem occurred when the guys ran out of armour-piercing shells. Their solution was to blind the enemy with standard ammunition, destroying the tank's optical system.

This was only the second time the Bradley operator had used his combat vehicle. The key fact you need to know about the story is that the team had just arrived from training in Germany. And this training made both of them competent enough to not only know exactly where to aim, but also to make all the right decisions in combat despite the stress. Despite simple human fear. 

In addition, the combat vehicle had enough technological capabilities to stop the famous Russian Proryv tank in close combat."

Details: Umierov said that this case showed that Ukraine's strategic advantage lies in the combination of people, technology and training, as it allows the defenders to "make the right decisions at the right time".

He stressed that if the Ukrainian soldiers had not been able to make one of the two decisions, the outcome could have been completely different, but the crew made the right choice.

Quote: "This is how it works: the combination of effective training, effective equipment and effective operators ultimately gives you a decisive advantage. 

And this is the recipe for our asymmetric approach. This is what will give us a strategic advantage. This is the strength we need to overcome an enemy that has more resources.

Ukraine aims to develop its defence industry as quickly as possible. We can only do this together, in this alliance."

Background: On 13 January, the 47th Separate Mechanised Brigade posted a video of a Bradley infantry fighting vehicle destroying a Russian T-90M Proryv tank near Stepove on the Avdiivka front.

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