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We will target Russians' most vulnerable points – Zelenskyy

Friday, 15 March 2024, 18:15
We will target Russians' most vulnerable points – Zelenskyy
Photo: the Office of the President of Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reported on the evening of 15 March that he had held important military meetings in which the Russians’ most vulnerable points were determined.

Source: Zelenskyy on social media

Details: Zelenskyy heard the report of Oleksandr Syrskyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who came back from the Avdiivka front and talked on what the situation was like there and on other key fronts.


Quote: "Secondly, jointly with the commander-in-chief, General Staff Head Anatolii Barhylevych, Defence Minister Rustem Umierov, Security Service Head Vasyl Maliuk, Defence Intelligence Chief Kyrylov Budanov, Deputy Commander-in-Chief Vadym Sukharevskyi, who is responsible for drones, and I have determined the enemy’s most vulnerable points which can be used to inflict most harm on the Russians.

And we will inflict harm on them. The more the Russian state loses and the higher the price of its aggression is, the closer a just end of this war will be."

Photo: the Office of the President of Ukraine

Details: Zelenskyy also held a meeting with the representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers, companies of the defence-industrial complex and other institutions responsible for the production of advanced drones used in missions.

Quote: "Ukraine has such a weapon but its range must become bigger, and its attacks must be large-scale and efficient. We have determined the tasks and deadlines needed for this. No Russian terrorist act shall go unpunished."

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