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Ukraine's foreign minister on NATO summit: We are working to take strong, far-reaching steps towards membership

Tuesday, 19 March 2024, 18:15
Ukraine's foreign minister on NATO summit: We are working to take strong, far-reaching steps towards membership
Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. Photo: Getty Images

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba has spoken about Ukraine's cooperation with the NATO leadership and member states regarding the outcome Ukraine can expect from the Alliance's upcoming summit in Washington.

Source: Dmytro Kuleba at an online briefing with representatives of more than 160 media agencies from 65 countries, as reported by European Pravda

Quote: "We are actively cooperating with the NATO leadership and key allies regarding the outcome of the Washington summit."


Kuleba stressed that Ukraine meets the main membership criterion in terms of its ability to protect NATO borders.

"We are working hard in order to take a strong and far-reaching step towards Ukraine's NATO membership at the summit in Washington," Kuleba said, saying that he did not want to go into detail about the current discussions.

US Ambassador to NATO Julianne Smith is not expecting Ukraine to be invited to join the North Atlantic Alliance at the summit in Washington this summer.

Boris Ruge, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy, has also said that NATO members might not invite Ukraine to join the Alliance at the Washington summit.

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