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Russians injure man and woman in Kherson Oblast

Saturday, 11 May 2024, 16:28
Russians injure man and woman in Kherson Oblast
Settlements of Tiahynka and Sadove, marked in red. Screenshot: Deepstate Map

Two people were injured in the attack on the settlements of Tiahynka and Sadove in Kherson Oblast on Saturday. 

Source: Kherson Oblast Military Administration

Quote: "A local resident of Tiahynka was injured because of the Russian attack.


The 72-year-old woman sustained explosive and craniocerebral injuries, a shrapnel wound to the chest and a contusion. The victim was taken to a hospital in moderate condition for medical care.

Sadove also came under hostile fire. An 82-year-old man was injured; he was in his yard during the shelling.

He was taken to hospital with shrapnel wounds to his chest, thigh and foot. Currently, doctors are providing him with the necessary assistance."

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