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Ukrainian border guards significantly reinforce borders with Belarus, Russia and Transnistria

Belarus announces that troops are returning to their bases after strengthening border, though numbers indicate otherwise

Satellite photos show occupiers gathering forces on border of Belarus and Ukraine

The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine: no changes along the border, Russian forces watched by intelligence

No breakthrough of state border or offensive in Ukraine’s North

Russia does not let out Ukrainians who have Russian passport

Russian occupiers build border in Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Over 50 explosions recorded in an hour on Ukraine's northern border

Russian authorities say that they will not go after draft evaders in other countries

Russians deploy mobile conscription office on border with Georgia

Men not allowed out of Russia, document required from military enlistment office

Russian mercenaries prepare false-flag operations on Belarusian-Ukrainian border

Russian gunner from Kaliningrad detained in Kharkiv Oblast

In Kharkiv Oblast, Ukrainian defenders reach border with Russia – head of Oblast Military Administration

Young woman from Crimea rips up her Russian passport at Ukrainian border

Ukrainian defenders boost fortifications along border with Belarus to maximum – border guards

Russia concentrates more than 400 planes and 360 helicopters on border with Ukraine

Border guards killed 2 Russian infiltrators on Siverskyi Donets

Cache of Russians with weapons and clothes was found near the border with Belarus

Zelenskyy calls on West to close borders to all Russians

79% of Ukrainians support a visa system with Russia – Kyiv Sociology Institute

Barbed wire and thermal imagers: the office of the president of Ukraine shows how the border with Belarus in Volyn is monitored

Further claims from Russia that Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled Bryansk Oblast

No Russian assault groups to the north of Ukraine – State Border Guards

The missile strikes are expected from Belarus in the near future - the General Staff report

Russians shell border villages in the Sumy region with prohibited ammunition

Over 80 strikes recorded in Sumy Oblast: 1 man died 

Belarus sets up fortifications along the borders with Ukraine and the EU

Belarus has stationed wooden dummy tanks on the border with Ukraine - Ministry of Defence

Belarus has begun "mobilisation exercises" on the border with Ukraine