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Russia wants to install facial recognition system on borders with neighbouring countries

Drone attacks Russia's Bryansk Oblast: two Russian soldiers wounded

Deputy Prosecutor General Symonenko dismissed from his post

Occupiers shell Chernihiv Oblast: over 10 explosions within 15 minutes

Airborne landings and border patrols: new Russian and Belarusian aviation drills start in Belarus

Russia hits Sumy Oblast using rockets and drones

Satellite photos show what equipment Belarus pull to border with Ukraine

Russians shell Sumy Oblast twice in one day

Russian man insults Putin in his passport to stay in Ukraine

The Russians made 139 strikes on Sumy Oblast throughout the day: they dropped explosives and fired from machine guns

Explosions in two Russian oblasts, authorities say that air defence is operating

Ukrainian Border Guards report how many Russian troops are deployed in Belarus

Sixteen explosions rock Sumy Oblast in half an hour

Russian sabotage and reconnaissance group sneak into Ukraine, Sumy territorial defence engage in combat

Threat at 200 metres away. How the border with Belarus is being fortified. Are they waiting for Lukashenko's command to conduct offensive?

Russian private military company might simulate shelling of Belarus by Ukraine – National Resistance Center

Ukrainian border guards comment on situation on border with Belarus

Zelenskyy: No matter who or to what inclines Minsk, it will not help them

Russians show their defensive line on border with Ukraine

Statement of checking combat readiness of Belarusian armed forces is made to ratchet up tensions 

Joint exercises of Russian Federation and Belarus continue at a distance from the border with Ukraine

Fireworks banned in Russia’s oblasts bordering with Ukraine in order not to scare Russians

Belarus uses migrants for intelligence on border with Ukraine

More than 170 explosions rang out on northern border of Ukraine over 24 hours

Almost 30 explosions in Sumy Oblast within half an hour

Ukrainian border guards start working on Estonia's eastern border

Checkpoints on borders with Romania and Hungary are not working, there is no power

Belarusians show how Ukraine fenced itself off from them

Belarus is outraged that Ukraine is strengthening its border

Ukraine is building wall on border with Belarus