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Head of Republic of North Ossetia and TV propagandists come under fire in Ukraine

Woman in Russia fined for "Glory to Ukraine!" social media status in Korean

"USA conducted HIV experiments on Armed Forces of Ukraine": Russia spits out new delusions

Iran's Defence Ministry states that alleged drone attack on plant was "unsuccessful"

Russian parliamentary leader threatens NATO with nuclear weapons that will "destroy" it

Medvedev calls war with Ukraine "new Patriotic War"

Prigozhin writes letter to US to find out about crimes of Wagner Group

Russian propagandists claim they already destroyed Abrams tank near Soledar

Russian Foreign Minister compares Russians with Jews, and West with Hitler

Propaganda hits rock bottom: Ukraine sends protest note to Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus

Adviser to Head of President’s Office Arestovych announces his resignation

Ukrainian Defence Intelligence says Russia is planning a series of IPSOs and fake news

In Bryansk Oblast, Russia, downing of "Tochka-U tactical missile" was announced

Russia reiterates its readiness to negotiate at UN, but with conditions

Russia prepares manuals on war propaganda

Governor of Kursk Oblast, Russia, is trained by Wagner Group mercenaries

Patriarch Kirill says Ukrainians and Russians are one nation, but there is "political division"

Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov urges Russians not to fear death, claiming life is "highly overrated"

Putin records New Year’s greeting with uniformed people in background

"Russian army is victorious over NATO": Kremlin handbook on how propagandists should sum up 2022

Putin phones 8-year-old girl in Zaporizhzhia, asking her to send him cucumbers

Russians want to open propaganda training centre in occupied Berdiansk

Putin still tells tales of 99.9% Russians "ready to put everything on line for Motherland"

Russian authorities want to punish Russians who left country by raising taxes

War and occupation of Ukraine: Russia starts rewriting history textbook

New school curriculum is approved in Russia

Kremlin to keep sending officials to occupied territories despite attacks

Kremlin lies about Putin being at the frontline. Media recognises Rostov-on-Don

Russian State Duma intends to punish people for distributing maps without annexed Ukrainian oblasts

Putin will hold annual military meeting despite cancelled media press conference