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Reznikov: The war has reached a real turning point, it is now European

Monday, 28 February 2022, 04:57

Yevhen Kizilov - Monday, February 28, 2022, 05:57 AM

The Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksiy Reznikov addressed Ukrainians in the early hours of the fifth day of the Russian invasion with words of gratitude and pride.

Source: Reznikov on Facebook


Quote: "Dear Ukrainians!

96 hours of resistance.

4 days of victory, courage, devotion and faith.

It is time to admire the fellow citizens who are holding the line.

I am grieving for those who have given their lives for Ukraine.

We are outraged at the enemy who is killing our women and children, destroying peaceful cities.

I am sure that they [Russian invaders] will be punished! They must be punished! Harshly and inevitably.

But yesterday was a turning point. The war became European. It is finally seen that way.

Half of Europe is already collecting, packing, transporting weapons, and armour [for Ukraine]. The number of states that provide real aid has increased significantly. The scope of this help increased, too.

Europe has already provided temporary shelter to tens of thousands of those we want to save the most - our children and their mothers. Without any formalities. As if were their own.

Now, we truly do not have a border in the west. But there is support also coming from the South, the Far East, and across the Atlantic.

All of this is an achievement of our defenders, the entire Ukrainian people that refused to obey a mad tyrant. And that will definitely win.

Ukraine will win!

Glory to Ukraine!"
