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Mayor of Russian-occupied Kherson calls for looting to stop

Thursday, 3 March 2022, 19:27

Thursday, 3 March 2022, 20:27

The Mayor of Kherson Igor Kolykhayev, who had previously negotiated with the Russian invading forces about further rules governing life in the city, has announced that there is a growing threat of looting.

Source: Igor Kolykhayev on Facebook.


Quote: "There is a real threat that looters in the city will steal food supplies. And the city needs food and manufactured goods. This is especially crucial for vulnerable groups of people."

Details: The mayor told owners of supermarkets, shops, and warehouses that the city is ready to take control of the distribution of goods. The municipal authorities guarantee that only those who really need the goods will get them. Igor Kolykhayev promises that the goods will be provided to hospitals, orphanages, retirees, and every socially vulnerable group.

Kolykhayev also appealed to some of the residents of Kherson and said that he was embarrassed to watch videos showing healthy people apparently stealing goods from malls, shops, and supermarkets.

‘I don’t have time to lecture you. And it's useless. If at your age you don’t understand the most important point that it is not right to steal from your fellow citizens, then there is nothing I can say to you. God is your judge," he concluded.

Previously: Russian aggressors have blockaded Kherson and caused a humanitarian disaster, but the local authorities are asking for a ‘green’ (humanitarian) corridor, so that medicines and food can be delivered to the city.

According to Kherson Mayor Igor Kolykhayev, during the visit of ‘armed representatives’ to the city council, an agreement was reached on how the city will function under occupation, although the mayor denies that his counterpart in these talks was the Russian invading force.
