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Ukrainian Security Service: Russian pilot who fought in Syria and met Assad captured

Saturday, 5 March 2022, 16:32
Ukrainian Security Service: Russian pilot who fought in Syria and met Assad captured


The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) reported that a Russian Air Force pilot who took part in the war in Syria and met with the country's president, Bashar al-Assad, has been captured.

Source: Security Service of Ukraine


Verbatim: "The SSU video shows a Russian pilot who was shot down, one of Putin's 'aces' who was honoured with an audience with Bashar al-Assad.

"You can see their photo together in the cutout above.

"For him, bombing civilian cities is nothing new. As the criminal himself tells it, he didn't think about concepts like 'residential blocks of flats or neighbourhoods': 'There are just targets with coordinates'".


Details: It was noted that the Russian pilot can now expect many long conversations with personnel from the Security Service of Ukraine.

Background: On 5 March, around 12:40 near Chernihiv, a Russian pilot was shot down. The pilots ejected from their planes: one died, and another was captured.

 In the video published by Ukrainian soldiers, the wounded man says he is Major Krasnoyartsev from the 8689th unit. The soldiers ask him how many bombing runs he's done on civilian targets in Chernihiv. The pilot states that it was his first flight to Chernihiv. Prior to that, he claims, he flew along the Russian-Ukrainian border.
