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12 Russian attacks repulsed in Donbas

Saturday, 23 April 2022, 23:16
12 Russian attacks repulsed in Donbas

Denys Karlovskyi - Saturday, 23 April 2022, 23:16

On 23 April, the Ukrainian military repulsed 12 attacks by the Russian occupiers in the Joint Forces Operation area.

Source: Joint Forces Operation press headquarters


Quote: "Over the last 24 hours, on 23 April, the troops of the Joint Forces Operation have successfully repulsed 12 enemy attacks. Thanks to the skilful actions and prowess of our soldiers, they inflicted losses on the Russian occupiers.

Ukrainian servicemen continue to courageously and heroically hold back the aggressor's invasion!"

Details: The Ukrainian military destroyed 4 Russian tanks, 5 artillery systems, 15 armoured vehicles, 1 armoured combat vehicle, and 4 automotive vehicles.

Also, air defence systems shot down a Russian Sukhoi Su-25, 1 cruise missile, and 3 Orlan-10 drones over Donbas.


  • On the evening of 23 April, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine warned that the Russian occupiers were preparing to attack Sievierodonetsk, Popasna and Rubizhne in Donbas.
  • During the whole night of 23 April, the occupiers were firing at Ukrainian forces along the line of contact in Donbas. The Russians are preparing for an offensive from the north in the Izium area and from the south, in order to surround the Joint Forces Operation.
