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Proposal to extend martial law and mobilisation in Ukraine until the end of the summer

Wednesday, 18 May 2022, 18:19
Proposal to extend martial law and mobilisation in Ukraine until the end of the summer


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is proposing extending the term of martial law and the new time frames for general mobilisation almost until the end of the summer.

Source: web-site of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine


Details: In the draft law №7389 on the approval of the presidential decree "On the extension of martial law in Ukraine", Zelenskyy proposes to extend martial law for 90 days from May 25, that is, almost to the end of August 2022.

In draft law №7390, the President proposes extending the general mobilisation period from 25 May for another 90 days.

The text of the draft laws on the extension of martial law and the term of general mobilisation were received in Verkhovna Rada and were forwarded to the committee for consideration.


Since 24 February, the Council has twice extended martial law for 30 days.


  •         On February 24, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy imposed martial law in connection with the start of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. After that, martial law in Ukraine was extended twice: from March 26 for another 30 days until April 25, and for another 30 days until May 25.


