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Ukrainian journalists came under Russian fire in the centre of Lysychansk

Monday, 13 June 2022, 23:35
Ukrainian journalists came under Russian fire in the centre of Lysychansk

Alyona Mazurenko Monday, 13 June 2022, 23:35

Journalists from "Suspilne" came under fire from the aggressors in the centre of Lysychansk, in Luhansk region.

Source: Suspilne on Telegram


Quote: "Our journalists Khrystyna Havryliuk and Taras Ibrahimov, along with their colleagues, came under fire in the centre of Lysychansk. They were evacuated by the military personnel of the [Ukrainian] Armed Forces. No one was injured."

Details: Lysychansk is under constant fire from the Russian invaders.

According to Ukrainian military personnel, the Russian army can target large areas due to their significant advantage in artillery.

About 15,000 civilians are staying in the city under these conditions.
