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Russia has changed tactics of attacks from the sea – the Ukrainian Navy

Monday, 6 June 2022, 15:17


Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Russian troops have launched more than 300 cruise missiles from ships in the Black Sea, but are now more likely to strike with anti-ship missiles.

Source: Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 6 June


Quote: "As a result of our active interventions to defeat the enemy’s naval forces, a group of ships from the Russian Federation’s Black Sea Fleet was pushed more than a hundred kilometres back from Ukrainian shores.

In an attempt to regain control of the northwestern part of the Black Sea, the enemy was forced to change tactics: they have deployed Bal and Bastion coastal missile systems in the Crimea and Kherson regions, and have transferred additional forces to Zmiinyi (Snake) Island. 

The threat of missile strikes from the sea remains. Since the beginning of the invasion, enemy ships and submarines have launched more than 300 cruise missiles onto Ukrainian territory."

Details: According to the Ukrainian Navy, "The intensity of Calibre cruise missile strikes has now decreased, while the enemy has begun to hit ground targets with anti-ship missiles, the main purpose of which is to destroy warships and ships."

It is assumed that Russia has used up a significant amount of its modern missile weapons and is forced to use outdated types of missiles, the stocks of which are sufficient for strikes on the territory of Ukraine.

Meanwhile, groups of approximately 30 ships and submarines continue to block civilian shipping routes.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the Russian occupying fleet has destroyed nine civilian ships, one of which sank. Two civilian sailors were killed.

There are currently up to 12 large landing ships stationed in the Black Sea, but more than a one-third of them are under repair.

After the destruction of three Raptor landing boats and one Serna landing boat by the Ukrainian Navy, the invaders now have up to 15 landing boats of various types.

The Ukrainian Navy focuses on defending and unblocking Ukrainian ports, protecting the sea coast, and maintaining control over the waters of the Dnieper–Bug estuary and Dniester estuary, the Danube and Dnipro rivers, including the area near the cities of Kyiv and Chernihiv.

According to the Ukrainian Navy, the Russian Black Sea Fleet has lost full control over the northwestern part of the Black Sea, which has become a "grey zone".

"At the same time, the enemy has adopted our tactics and is using coastal missile systems and air-based cruise missiles in an attempt to regain control of the northwestern part of the Black Sea through," the statement said.
