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Shelling of Nikopol: Russian forces fire 100 rounds from MLRS overnight, killing one person

Friday, 22 July 2022, 07:50
Shelling of Nikopol: Russian forces fire 100 rounds from MLRS overnight, killing one person


Russian forces fired 100 rounds at Nikopol from multiple-launch rocket systems overnight, killing one person.

Source: Valentin Reznichenko, head of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Military Administration 


Quote from Reznichenko: "Nikopol was shelled twice using MLRS. Up to 100 shells were fired. Previously, one person was killed and one was injured."

Details: In addition, Reznichenko reported that 11 private houses were damaged. Gas and water pipelines have been ruptured.

A railway track has also been destroyed.


"It is not yet clear when it will be possible to resume traffic," said the head of the Oblast Military Administration.

Previously: The mayor of the city reported that the Russian army shelled the city of Nikopol, Dnipropetrovsk region, on the night of 21-22 July.


  • On 19 July, the Russian military hit the town of Nikopol, houses and the river port with Grad multiple-launch rocket systems, and fires broke out at two business premises.
  • On the night of 19-20 July, the Russian invaders once again shelled Nikopol, firing more than 30 shells from Grad MLRS: private houses were destroyed and damaged, two people were killed, and nine were injured.
  • Yevhen Yevtushenko, head of the Nikopol District Military Administration of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, called on residents of Nikopol to move deep into the territory of the Nikopol district — far away from the shelling of the occupiers.
