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Kharkiv Oblast: during the day, police recorded 40 cases of damage from Russian Federation shelling

Sunday, 24 July 2022, 08:52
Kharkiv Oblast: during the day, police recorded 40 cases of damage from Russian Federation shelling


Over the past day (23 July), Russian troops have shelled Kharkiv and settlements in the region; law enforcement officers are documenting the destruction of civilian infrastructure.

Source: the police of Kharkiv region, on Facebook


Details: on 23 July, Kharkiv and the villages of Slatyne and Shevelivka came under attack from the armed forces of the Russian Federation. As a result of the shelling, high-rise buildings, an educational institution, buildings and agricultural machinery of a farm, and private houses were damaged.

Investigative and operational groups and forensic experts have processed more than 40 acts of destruction of premises and other objects in the region as a result of shelling and fire.

Quote: "Rocket and artillery attacks on Kharkiv Oblast do not stop. As a result, residents of the city and territorial communities of the region are killed and injured, residential buildings and civilian infrastructure are destroyed."
