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Russian missiles hit educational institutions in Kramatorsk and Mykolaiv

Friday, 19 August 2022, 07:22
Russian missiles hit educational institutions in Kramatorsk and Mykolaiv


Russian forces have carried out missile strikes on Kramatorsk and Mykolaiv, targeting educational institutions in both cities.

Source: Oleksandr Honcharenko, Mayor of Kramatorsk, on Telegram; Oleksandr Sienkevych, Mayor of Mykolaiv, on Telegram


Quote from Honcharenko: "Kramatorsk was attacked this morning. The occupiers are continuing to destroy our educational institutions. Early reports indicate there are no casualties."

Details: Photos indicate that the Kramatorsk Technology and Design College and the Donbas State Machine-Building Academy were hit.

Photo: Kramatorsk after the missile strike
Photo: Kramatorsk after the missile strike
Source: Kramatorsk City Council

Quote from Sienkevych: "The Ruscists [Russians] have once again struck our Mohylianka [ Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University in Mykolaiv - ed.], again using two S-300 missiles. Emergency workers and municipal service workers are working at the scene."

Photo: The Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University in Mykolaiv following the missile strike
Source: Oleksandr Sienkevych’s Telegram

Details: Russian forces struck Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University in Mykolaiv two days ago, during attacks on the night of 16 August.

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