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Russian occupiers disconnect mobile internet service in Luhansk Oblast – Head of Oblast Military Administration

Wednesday, 14 September 2022, 08:58


Russian occupying forces have disconnected mobile internet service in Luhansk Oblast in order to "increase the defence capability" of their troops. They continue to take goods looted in the Oblast to the Russian Federation.

Source: Serhii Haidai, Head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram


Quote: "The occupation regime in Luhansk Oblast continues to claim that there are no threatening developments on the territory of the Oblast or, as they call it ‘republic’. And yet they have disconnected mobile internet service ‘just in case’.

According to a local service provider, the occupation authorities issued this order to ensure security and defence capability. Earlier, however, they hadn’t been paying much attention to these issues."

Details: Meanwhile, there have been long queues at checkpoints in the last couple of days, and they are not growing smaller.

"Around 300 civilian cars are queuing on the Starobilsk – Luhansk part of the road alone. Most of them have Kharkiv Oblast registration plates. The majority of vehicles have trailers loaded with looted goods, and the drivers are Russian soldiers," Haidai said.

At the same time, the Russian military leadership is looking for people who are willing to fight in Ukraine from [penal] colonies in Tula Oblast, Russia.

"[Recruiters] are promising the convicts that their criminal record would be expunged in exchange for three months of service, or six months for recidivists or those convicted of particularly serious crimes. However, the convicts are not offered to sign official contracts [stating the conditions of their service - ed.]," the Head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration said.

Haidai also reported the situation on the front: "Aircraft of the [Ukrainian] Defence Forces over the day carried out 12 airstrikes on areas where [Russian] military personnel and equipment were concentrated to support the operations of the [Ukrainian] ground forces. Our troops successfully repelled the occupiers’ attacks in the vicinity of Spirne, Maiorsk, Odradivka, Vesela Dolyna, Vodiane, Avdiivka, Bezimenne and Novohryhorivka."

Russian forces fired on military and civilian targets using tank guns, mortars and artillery:

  • On the Kramatorsk front: in Yaremivka, Tetianivka, Raihorodok, Siversk, Bilohorivka, Kryva Luka, Spirne, Verkhnokamianske, Dronivka, Hryhorivka and Zvanivka;
  • On the Bakhmut front: in Yurivka, Niu-York, Mykolaivka, Mykolaivka Druha, Zaitseve, Soledar, Bakhmut, Bakhmutske and Yakovlivka.

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