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58 countries support Ukraine's peace formula

Friday, 11 August 2023, 21:23
58 countries support Ukraine's peace formula

Andrii Yermak, Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, has said that 58 countries have supported the preparation of the Ukrainian Peace Formula.

Source: Yermak on air of the 24/7 national joint newscast, quoted by Interfax-Ukraine

Quote: "If last time [at the meeting in Jeddah on 5 August – ed.] we had 43 countries, today there are already 58. And this is not the end, and I can also say that we have a large number of countries that want to join."

Details: Yermak said that 10 groups have been set up for each point of the peace formula. "Our [Ukrainian – ed.] specialists will work in these groups, and international experts will also be involved," he said.

Quote: "Our plan is to develop this detailed program for each point of our formula and to do so by the end of this month. So that in a month's time, as we agreed in Jeddah, we can hold the next meeting at the level of advisors and discuss the date and location of the summit."


  • On 5 August, a meeting was held in Saudi Arabia to discuss the upcoming Peace Formula Summit proposed by official Kyiv.
  • The meeting in Jeddah, which is the second meeting on the Peace Formula Summit (after the first in Copenhagen), was attended by national security advisors and political advisors to leaders from about 40 countries. Among them were those that are not part of the Western camp, such as China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Chile and South Africa. The Ukrainian Foreign Minister called China's participation a "major breakthrough". Russia, as it is known, was not invited to participate.
  • After the meeting in Saudi Arabia, Andrii Yermak said that Ukraine plans to hold two summits on the peace formula presented by Zelenskyy, one of which will involve Russia.

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