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Russia, Türkiye and Qatar prepare new trilateral grain deal – Bild

Friday, 18 August 2023, 20:45

Russia has warned Türkiye about its exit from the grain initiative in advance, and now Russia, Türkiye and Qatar are working on a new trilateral agreement which is supposed to replace the previous one.

Source: Bild with reference to official correspondence between the ministries of foreign affairs and embassies of Russia and Türkiye from 21 July to 8 August

"There is a suggestion to export Russian grain to poor countries, mainly in Africa. Türkiye will act as an organiser, Qatar as a sponsor of supplies.

Hakan Fidan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Türkiye, asks Russia to resume the previous grain deal so that the grain is imported from Ukraine as well. Ankara also suggests acting under the aegis of the UN," the letter reads.

Bild reports that the new deal may be signed as early as this weekend in Budapest. Rustam Minnihanov, President of Tatarstan, is headed there with this goal. Recep Tayiip Erdogan, President of Türkiye, will also arrive at the meeting.


Putin claimed that Russia will "consider the possibility" of resuming the grain deal only in case its conditions are fulfilled completely.

Russia has been promoting the plan of grain supplies to Africa and excluding Ukraine from the global market after the Kremlin left the grain deal.

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