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Russia pulls almost all its aircraft out of Belarus in August

Friday, 8 September 2023, 14:55
Russia pulls almost all its aircraft out of Belarus in August
stock photo: GETTY IMAGES

Russia withdrew all of its aircraft from Belarus in August, except for one Su-25 attack aircraft.

Source: Belaruski Hajun, an independent Belarusian military monitoring media outlet

Details: The monitoring group reports that the entire Russian Aerospace Forces aircraft group was withdrawn on 5 August.


Quote: "11 helicopters (four Mi-8s and seven Mi-24s) of the Russian Aerospace Forces left Machulishchy [airbase in Belarus] for Seshcha airfield (Russia's Bryansk Oblast). Nine Su-34 and Su-30SM Russian Aerospace Forces fighter jets flew from the Baranavičy airfield [Belarus] to the Russian Federation.

Most of the helicopters and planes that left had been in Belarus since early January 2023. Thus, the aircraft element of the Regional Military Grouping (RMG) in Belarus has ceased to exist."

More details: As of 1 September, only one Su-25 attack aircraft was left in Belarus, which landed at Machulishchy on 25 July and moved to Lida airfield on 31 August.

White indicates the withdrawn aircraft, whereas red – what remains. infographic: Belaruski Hajun.

Meanwhile, as Hajun reports, about 2,100 Russian Armed Forces troops remain in the country.

Quote: "We may state that a significant reduction in the number of Russian troops stationed in Belarus occurred in July and August. The field camps of the Russian Armed Forces at the following training grounds were shut down: "Abuz-Liasnoŭski, Liepieĺski and Asipovičy, and the troops stationed there and belonging to the RMG left for the Russian Federation, and it was not a rotation."

Background: In mid-July, Ukraine's State Border Guard Service reported the withdrawal of almost all Russian troops from Belarus.

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