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Scholz gets cross due to Putin's shameless claims about war in Middle East

Thursday, 19 October 2023, 13:37
Scholz gets cross due to Putin's shameless claims about war in Middle East

Olaf Scholz, chancellor of Germany, has expressed his indignation and called utter shamelessness the claims of Valdimir Putin, President of Russia, that the war in the Middle East may lead to casualties among civilians.

Source: European Pravda with reference to the speech of Scholz in Bundestag about a wide range of subjects in the context of latest events

Quote: "I am more than indignant when I hear that the Russian President is warning the public at the moment that there may be victims among civilians in armed conflicts. A more shameless (statement) is yet to be found."



  • The German chancellor has promised to make efforts to liberate the prisoners kidnapped by the Hamas radical Islamist group during its attack on Israel.
  • During his visit to Israel, Scholz had to get off the plane and lay down on the ground in the Tel-Aviv airport due to an air-raid warning.

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