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Downed drone crashes into private house in Odesa Oblast and explodes, killing a man – photo, video

Sunday, 17 December 2023, 07:51
Downed drone crashes into private house in Odesa Oblast and explodes, killing a man – photo, video
Aftermath of the attack on Odesa Oblast. Photo: Defence Forces of the South

A downed drone fell on a private house in the Odesa district on the night of 16-17 December and exploded, killing a man.

Source: Defence Forces of the South on Telegram

Details: The blast wave damaged the surrounding houses and an outbuilding containing property belonging to a private sports institution.n.

Наслідки ворожого удару на Одещині
Aftermath of the Russian attack on Odesa Oblast

A large-scale fire broke out and was quickly extinguished by firefighters.

Aftermath of the Russian attack on Odesa Oblast

One man was found dead at the scene.


The Ukrainian Air Force shot down 20 attack drones and an Kh-59 guided missile on the night of 16-17 December.

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