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Ukraine's Special Operations Forces destroy Russian observation posts in Kherson Oblast – video

Thursday, 15 February 2024, 17:33
Ukraine's Special Operations Forces destroy Russian observation posts in Kherson Oblast – video
Stock photo: Special Operations Forces

Special Operations Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have recounted how they destroyed and mopped up Russian observation posts on the southern front.

Source: press service of the Special Operations Forces; Ukrainska Pravda 

Details: The operators of the 73rd Special Operations Naval Centre named after Otaman Anton Holovatyi discovered a patrol boat and Russian observation posts while conducting special reconnaissance on the southern front (according to Ukrainska Pravda, this occurred in Kherson Oblast).


To destroy the Russians, the UAV operator fired on the targets with a thermal imaging drone equipped with a discharge system. Following that, a Special Operations Forces combat group moved in to mop up the observation posts.

Special Forces reported that in addition to successfully destroying and mopping up Russian facilities, weapons and a boat were captured.

Quote: "Professionally carried out special actions by Special Operations Forces operators in the future will allow for greater control in this area."

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