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We're not considering alternatives to US support – Zelenskyy

Saturday, 17 February 2024, 17:43
We're not considering alternatives to US support – Zelenskyy
Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Kamala Harris at the Munich Security Conference on 17 February. Photo: Ukraine's President's Office

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy does not consider the current situation in the US Congress, where lawmakers are having trouble supporting a vital military aid package, a "betrayal", and Kyiv is not considering any alternatives to US assistance. 

Source: Zelenskyy at a briefing after talks with US Vice President Kamala Harris on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference; European Pravda

Details: Zelenskyy was asked how important the aid included in the long-anticipated package is for "Ukraine’s path to victory" and whether Kyiv felt that Ukraine has been betrayed.


Zelenskyy repeated that Ukraine is very much counting on a positive decision by Congress. 

Quote from Zelenskyy: "This package is vital for us. We are not considering alternatives today because we are counting on the United States as our strategic partner and that it will remain a strategic partner.

Do I think that this is a treacherous position? No, because I don't think our strategic partner can afford not to support Ukraine. I don't see an opportunity for a strategic partner to take such a position. We see challenges – electoral and political, but I don't want to comment on them; these are the internal processes of the United States. But I hope that the allied position will remain."


More details: Zelenskyy added that the aid funds included in the package do not open up the "path to victory", and much also depends on the morale of the Ukrainian military and ordinary Ukrainians, sanctions against Russia, and support from other allies. 

"This is a big allied job, a daily job. So this package is the way forward, but it is not ‘victory’ yet," the president said. 


  • Zelenskyy had previously emphasised that the American Patriot systems play an extremely important role in ensuring a normal life for civilian Ukrainians and the functioning of the Ukrainian economy. 
  • Kamala Harris, for her part, noted that American politicians cannot afford to play political games when it comes to matters such as support for Ukraine.
  • The US House of Representatives has gone on recess until the end of February without voting on the Senate-approved bill containing an aid package for Ukraine.
  • The House of Representatives has also presented a bill with less aid to Ukraine than the amount proposed by President Joe Biden. 

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