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Ukraine can win war if it has enough assets – Advisor to US President

Sunday, 25 February 2024, 21:22
Ukraine can win war if it has enough assets – Advisor to US President
Jake Sullivan. Photo: Getty Images

Jake Sullivan, the White House Advisor for National Security, believes Ukraine can win the war if it gets enough aid from its partners.

Source: Sullivan in the broadcast of the NBC TV channel on 25 February, as reported by Politico

Details: The host asked Sullivan whether he thinks that Ukraine can still win militarily.


Quote: "Of course Ukraine can win. Of course Ukraine has already succeeded militarily in one of the most profound objectives it had, which was to keep the country from falling into Russian hands."

Details: He added that Ukraine would be able to do it "if it has the tools that it needs".

"And that is why the United States needs to deliver the aid package that passed on a massive bipartisan vote in the Senate — the House needs to step up and pass that," Sullivan added.


Quote: "We are looking at some setbacks, including in recent days, because Ukraine didn’t have enough ammunition to defend the town of Avdiivka in the East. But at the end of the day, Ukraine still has the capacity if we provide them the tools and resources they need to be able to prevail in this war…It is up to us, the United States and our allies and partners, to deliver on our commitments."

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