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Ukraine's Air Force

Ukraine’s Air Force destroys Russian Su-25 attack aircraft near Soledar

Russian missiles that hit Kyiv on 14 January were S-400s launched from Bryansk Oblast

Ukraine's Air Force assesses possibility of Russian invaders landing in Kyiv as unrealistic

Ukrainian Air Force reveal from where Russia struck Kyiv on 14 January

Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners shoot down Russian Su-25 aircraft and Orlan UAV

Ukrainian defenders shoot down Russian Ka-52 helicopter and another UAV

Russian drone shot down over sea while flying to Odesa Oblast

Ukraine’s air defence downs Russian Orlan-10 drone in Mykolaiv Oblast

Ukraine’s Armed Forces to keep shooting down Shahed drones with everything they have, even if it is expensive

Ukrainian Air Force explains why they don’t shoot down Shahed UAVs flying along Dnipro

39-40 attack drones and Kh-59 missile shot down over Ukraine overnight

Ukrainian Air Force on unique air defence experience: barely had time to reload NASAMS

Several Russian missiles did not reach Ukraine and fell on Russian territory

Ukrainian Air Force on claim that "Russia will never run out of Kalibr cruise missiles": Russians are having the wool pulled over their eyes

Ukraine's Air Force updates data for 29 December: 58 missiles downed and one helicopter destroyed

Air Force shoots down 16 Shahed drones over Ukraine at night

Ukraine's Air Forces specify what weapons and areas Russia used to attack on 29 December

Ukraine’s air defence shoot down over 420 missiles and 430 drones since September

Ukrainian fighter pilot Karaya explains what his comrades-in-arms lack

Ukrainian fighter pilot says F-16 planes will unveil our potential, NATO has much to learn from us

Ukrainian air defence shoots down two Russian drones

Air Force clarifies how much time Ukrainian defenders need to master Patriot systems

Ukrainian Air Force explains how Patriot air-defence systems will help Ukraine in this war

Air Force counts 67 drones in last 4 attacks

Russia’s Shahed UAVs attack on 19 December was the largest

Ukraine’s Air Force clarify type of Russian helicopters destroyed on St Nicholas Day

Ukraine’s Armed Forces hit two helicopters and two Russian command posts – General Staff report

Russian forces study social networks to plot routes for missiles

Russia launches 40 missiles at Kyiv, Ukraine’s air defence struck down 37

Ukrainian Air Force describes sources and means of Russian missile strikes of Friday