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Kherson Council rejects any idea of creating a “Kherson People’s Republic”

Saturday, 12 March 2022, 20:22
Kherson Council rejects any idea of creating a “Kherson People’s Republic”

At an extraordinary meeting, the Kherson Regional Council rejected the notion of creating a "Kherson People’s Republic". 

Source: Serhii Rybalko, deputy of Kherson Regional Council, Suspilne Kherson

Quote: "An extraordinary session of the Kherson Regional Council was held. 44 deputies adopted an appeal that ‘Kherson is a part of Ukraine’ and there will be no pseudo-republics on its territory."


Background: Russian agents continue to call deputies of the Kherson Regional Council to offer collaboration [. They are planning to hold a so-called ‘referendum’ to create the ‘Kherson People Republic’].

Since the military seizure of Kherson, protests against the Russian occupation have been frequent.

Russian military equipment currently sits in front of the Kherson Regional Administration building; a railway station and a seaport in the city are also controlled by the Russians.


Ihor Kolykhaiev, Mayor of Kherson, has reported that Russian troops do not permit trucks with humanitarian aid to come to the city.

Earlier last week, Russians were unable to film fake videos which were intended to show citizens receiving humanitarian aid from the Russian forces. Citizens came with Ukrainian flags and refused to take goods from the Russians.

In a video address, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy commended proud Ukrainians for not betraying the interests of their country while under occupation, and for showing Russian occupying troops what pride and self-esteem mean.
