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Russians admitted use of thermobaric weapon in Ukraine

Wednesday, 9 March 2022, 20:03
Russians admitted use of thermobaric weapon in Ukraine

The Russian Ministry of Defence admitted using the TOS-1 "Solntsepek" volley fire system in the war against Ukraine, which can launch thermobaric ammunition. 

Source: Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom, Russian TV channel "Zvezda", owned by the Russian Ministry of Defence

Details: On March 9, the Russian Zvezda TV channel reported that the aggressor’s artilleryman, Sergei Gubarev, allegedly used the TOS-1A Solntsepek system in the Chernihiv region on March 4 in a battle with units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


The British Ministry of Defence immediately responded that the Russians could use thermobaric warheads on the TOS-1A (non-experts mistakenly call them "vacuum bombs" - ed.).

Thermobaric warheads explode in two stages. First, it releases an inflammatory mixture in the form of an aerosol, and then explodes another part, which blows up the mixture sprayed around. Due to this action, thermobaric munitions have a much stronger force of impact and blast wave.

According to international conventions on warfare, such thermobaric munitions are prohibited from being used against military targets or enemy manpower if they could strike civilians. In addition, thermobaric munitions are prohibited from being used against the military if the benefits do not justify their use.

The British Ministry of Defence warned that the use of the TOC-1A system by the Russian aggressors against the civilian population of Ukraine contradicts international law on warfare.

Reference: TOS-1A is a modification of the Russian heavy flamethrower system of volley fire TOS-1 "Pinocchio".

Russia used such systems in the Second Chechen War.


  •       On March 3, Ukrainian defenders recorded the deployment of the TOS-1 "Pinocchio" system by the Russian troops in Trostyanets, Sumy Region.
  •       Representatives of the United States and the United Kingdom on March 3 stated they had circumstantial evidence of the use of "vacuum bombs" by Russian armed forces.
  •       On March 6, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine also reported on the use of TOS-1 "Pinocchio" near Kozelets in the Chernihiv region.
  •       On February 28, the Pentagon confirmed that the Russian occupiers had brought launchers that could use thermobaric weapons to Ukraine.
