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“Kadyrov” fighters fired on occupied areas of Mariupol from tank for video - city hall

Sunday, 17 April 2022, 12:21
“Kadyrov” fighters fired on occupied areas of Mariupol from tank for video - city hall


Kadyrov's TikTokers [fighters of the Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov’s army who shot a TikTok video] have shot another video, showing them firing from a tank on areas of Mariupol occupied by the Russians, said Petro Andriushchenko, an adviser to the mayor.

Source: Andriushchenko’s Telegram


Andriushchenko's quote: "If you think that Kadyrov’s army is fighting only against empty windows, this is not the case. [A staged video appeared online in March, in which the "Kadyrovites" imitated an assault on an empty house].

A new level has been reached: they are adjusting the tank and shooting at residential buildings in an area that has already been occupied.

The video shows the part of the Livoberezhnyi district that is close to the Skhidnyi district. Shots are fired at houses where there have been no Ukrainian defenders for at least 20 days. "



  • Mariupol has been under siege since 1 March, and the Russians are constantly shelling it, trying to take full control of the city.
  • The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, said that negotiations were underway to help Ukrainian defenders in Mariupol, but that the Russians are demanding that they surrender.
  • President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says that the elimination of Ukrainian defenders in Mariupol will put an end to negotiations with Russia.
  • On 17 April, The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that Russian troops were likely preparing to conduct a naval landing operation in Mariupol.

On 16 April, the Mariupol City Council published a video of the destruction of the city taken from a drone, and Reuters published a video of the area around the "Metalurhiinyi zavod imeni Illicha" ["Mariupol Metallurgical Plant named after Illich"] in an area controlled by the Russian army.
