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Donetsk region: 3 civilians killed and 7 injured over the past 24 hours

Friday, 22 April 2022, 22:01
Donetsk region: 3 civilians killed and 7 injured over the past 24 hours

Denys Karlovskyi - Friday, 22 April 2022, 22:01

The Russian aggressors killed 3 civilians and wounded 7 in Donetsk Region on 22 April.

Source: Head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration Pavlo Kyrylenko on Telegram


Details: One civilian was killed in Marinka, one in Novoselivka Druha and one in Zelene Pole as a result of Russian shelling and hostilities on 22 April.

The Military Administration verified the information that one civilian, who had been wounded earlier, passed away in Mariupol. However, the total number of casualties in Mariupol and Volnovakha cannot be verified yet.


On 22 April, Russian forces shelled about 20 towns and villages in Donetsk Region. Slovyansk came under shelling with cluster munitions at night.

The aggressors deployed Uragan (Hurricane) multiple rocket launchers to shell the regional hospital in Lyman, Donetsk Region.

According to Kyrylenko, almost three-quarters of the population who lived in Donetsk Region prior to the full-scale invasion on 24 February 2022 have left the region.

The Russians injured 5 civilians in Donetsk Region on 21 April.

Satellite images have revealed another mass grave near Mariupol. At least 1,000 Mariupol citizens killed by the Russian troops may be buried there.
