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Destruction of the Crimean Bridge is a necessary measure for the liberation of Crimea – Marchenko

Wednesday, 10 August 2022, 12:36
Destruction of the Crimean Bridge is a necessary measure for the liberation of Crimea – Marchenko



Ukraine will liberate Crimea by military means and the destruction of the Crimean Bridge is a necessary measure for this.


Source: Major General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Dmytro Marchenko in an interview with RBC Ukraine

Marchenko on whether Ukraine can liberate Crimea by military means: "Yes. We will liberate it by military means. No one has rejected this. Crimea is Ukraine, it is our land, and there are our people there who are still forced to sit under occupation. No one gave Russia the right to come, take a piece of land and say that ‘this is mine’."

Details: He clarified that for the liberation of Crimea, it is necessary to destroy the Crimean Bridge.


Quote from Marchenko: "Yes, this is a necessary measure to deprive them of the opportunity to provide reserves and strengthen their troops from the territory of Russia."

Details: The Major General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine stressed that Ukraine will reclaim Crimea, as well as Kherson, Luhansk and Donetsk.


  • At the end of July, it became known that Major General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Dmytro Marchenko, who until April led the defence of Mykolaiv, had returned to the Mykolaiv area to carry out some operations.  
  • On the afternoon of 9 August, explosions rocked the military airbase in Novofedorivka in Russian-occupied Crimea. Local residents posted videos on social media showing at least two fires and commenting that they had heard 7-12 explosions.
  • The Russian Defence Ministry claimed that the fire at the Saky airfield was the result of the detonation of some aircraft ammunition. Later, a source at the Russian Defence Ministry informed TACC that the explosions were caused by a "fire safety violation" at the military airbase near Novofedorivka.
  • The Ministry of Defence of Ukraine has said it was not aware of what caused the explosions at Novofedorivka.
  • The New York Times quoted a "senior Ukrainian military official with knowledge of the situation" who said that Ukrainian forces were behind the blast at the air base.
  • Mykhailo Podoliak, Senior Adviser to Ukrainian President, said that Kyiv was not involved in the explosions at the airfield in Novofedorivka in Russian-occupied Crimea.
  • On the morning of 10 August, the General Staff reported that on 9 August, Russia lost 160 military personnel, nine aircraft and 15 tanks.

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