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Russia recruits people "willing to fight" in Tula Oblast penal colonies – General Staff

Wednesday, 14 September 2022, 07:55
Russia recruits people willing to fight in Tula Oblast penal colonies – General Staff


The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports that Russian military leadership is looking for people who are willing to fight in Ukraine in [penal] colonies in Tula Oblast, Russia.

Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook


Quote: "The Russian army is suffering significant personnel losses every day and is trying to make up for them in various ways. Military leadership keeps searching for people who are ‘willing to fight’ among prisoners, including those in [penal] colonies in Tula Oblast."

Details: The General Staff reported that recruiters promise the convicts that their criminal record would be expunged in exchange for three months of service, or six months for recidivists or those convicted of particularly serious crimes.

However, the convicts are not offered to sign any official contracts stating the conditions of their service.

"In addition, the 3rd Army Corps is recruiting so-called ‘reservists’. A large share of people who have already been recruited are alcohol- or drug-dependent," the General Staff noted.

The General Staff said that forced "mobilisation" in the city of Horlivka (Donetsk Oblast) further attests to the lack of personnel for staff units: local "military recruitment offices" and "militia" were ordered to recruit 6,000 conscripts by 19 September.

"Men are being searched for and detained, which in turn causes growing discontent among local residents," the General Staff said.

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