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Almost 100,000 Russians escaped to Kazakhstan over past week

Tuesday, 27 September 2022, 18:55
Almost 100,000 Russians escaped to Kazakhstan over past week


Approximately 98,000 Russian citizens entered Kazakhstan since 21 September; more than 64,000 Russians left the country [Kazakhstan - ed.] during the same period of time. 

Source: Kremlin-aligned news agency RIA Novosti, citing Aslan Atalykov, acting Head of the Migration Service Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan


Quote by Atalykov: "As of today, we have received information which we have compared with border service data: approximately 98,000 Russians entered Kazakhstan since 21 September; 64,234 Russians left Kazakhstan."

Details: The news outlet did not specify where Russians went after leaving Kazakhstan.

Earlier on 27 September, the President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, said at a meeting with the public in the Turkestan region, that "lately, a lot of people from Russia have come to us".

Tokayev said that Kazakhstan will hold negotiations with Russia on this matter and find a solution to "this problem" in the interests of the Republic. 

Aliber Kuantyrov, the Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan, expressed his opinion in a chat with journalists in the halls of government that the increased flow of Russians was a temporary thing. According to him, most of them will leave Kazakhstan and go to other countries. 


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