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Tortured and imitated shooting of civilians in Irpin – Russian soldier issued notice of suspicion

Wednesday, 25 January 2023, 11:07
Tortured and imitated shooting of civilians in Irpin – Russian soldier issued notice of suspicion

The Russian soldier who was taken captive in Kherson Oblast in September, as well as his commander, were notified of suspicion for torture and imitation of shooting civilians during temporary occupation of the city of Irpin, Kyiv Oblast. 

Source: National Police, Prosecutor General’s Office on Telegram

Quote from the Prosecutor General’s Office: "[The Russians – ed.] searched for patriots among the civilians, and imitated shootings – two Russian servicemen were notified of suspicion."


Details: The Police has determined that in March 2022 the corporal of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, serving as an intelligence officer of the 1st battalion of the 104th regiment of the 76th division, military unit 32515, along with his commander and other servicemen of the Russian Federation, have entered the city of Irpin. The occupiers have seized one of the private houses, making it their headquarters.&nbsp ;

Occupiers in Irpen

The Russians began to rob said house, as well as the neighbouring buildings. 

In one of the houses the occupiers found two local residents. They were ordered to undress under gunpoint, after which they were beaten and interrogated. Subsequently, one of the Russian soldiers held the gun to the head of one of the civilians, and fired a few shots next to the victim’s ear, imitating execution.

Captured Russian soldier Andrei Medvedev, born in 1990

Despite people's pleas not to touch them, Russian servicemen took them out into the street, where they continued to beat them and imitated the shooting of one of the victims from a machine gun. And then they were forbidden to leave the house – so the victims could not even get food and water.

They were helped by the Ukrainian military, when the temporarily occupied territory of Kyiv Oblast was liberated about a week after the described events.

The Russian invaders were then relocated to other regions of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. And in September 2022, during combat in Kherson Oblast, one of these war criminals was captured.

It is reported that two Russian soldiers were informed of suspicion under Art. 28.2, Art. 438.1 (violation of the laws and customs of war) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

One occupier was notified of suspicion within the walls of a pre-trial detention centre. The location of the other suspect is currently being established.

Russian invaders face up to 12 years in prison.

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