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Hamas blames Israel and US in advance for aftermath of assault on Gazan hospital

Wednesday, 15 November 2023, 05:14
Hamas blames Israel and US in advance for aftermath of assault on Gazan hospital

Hamas has issued a statement blaming Israel and US President Joe Biden personally for the aftermath of the recently launched Israeli operation targeting Shifa Hospital.

Source: BBC Russian Service

Details: Hamas claimed that a US statement made earlier confirming that, as the Israelis say, a Hamas command post was indeed located under Shifa Hospital gave the Israeli forces the green light to storm the hospital.


Hamas denies using the hospital as a shield for its underground command and control centre.

Background: On 15 November, the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) reported that, based on intelligence information and operational necessity, IDF forces have launched a precise and targeted operation against Hamas in a designated area in Shifa Hospital.

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