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Parliament's speaker explains what is happening with draft law on mobilisation

Wednesday, 14 February 2024, 22:57
Parliament's speaker explains what is happening with draft law on mobilisation

Ruslan Stefanchuk, speaker of the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian parliament), says that a "big discussion" is currently taking place in parliament on the draft law on improving mobilisation. He says that the second reading may take place no earlier than 21 February.

Source: Stefanchuk's interview with Rada TV channel on the evening of 14 February

Quote: "The Verkhovna Rada has 14 days between the first and second readings so that MPs can submit their amendments. There is a big discussion now...then it will be finalised in the committee as soon as the committee is ready (the draft law will be submitted for the second reading – ed.).


But it will still be no earlier than 21 February, because that is the last day to submit amendments to this draft law. Given the wide range of these amendments, I think it will take some time for the committee to take these amendments into account or not."

Background: On February 7, Verkhovna Rada supported in the first reading the government bill No 10449 on strengthening mobilisation.

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