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UK Defence Intelligence reports on Wagner mercenaries' activity in Belarus

Sunday, 4 February 2024, 11:55
UK Defence Intelligence reports on Wagner mercenaries' activity in Belarus
Wagner Group. Stock photo: RIA Novosti

According to UK Defence Intelligence, there are currently less than 1,000 Wagner PMC militants serving as instructors on Belarusian territory.

Source: UK Defence Intelligence review dated 4 February, as reported by European Pravda

Details: According to the analysts, Belarus is likely to have fewer than 1,000 Wagner mercenaries, compared to approximately 8,000 during the peak period following June 2023.


The Wagner PMC "almost certainly continues to provide training to Belarusian military and security forces," the review notes.

Analysts believe it is unlikely that Belarus' self-proclaimed president Alexander Lukashenko will want to expand the use of Wagner PMC militants, for example, as part of Belarusian law enforcement agencies' internal operations or border protection.

Quote: "The continued presence of Wagner mercenaries in Belarus almost certainly also benefits Russia’s war effort by compelling Ukraine to maintain defensive positions and personnel along its northern border with Belarus," the review adds.


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