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UK Foreign Secretary: We must stop talking about time not being on Ukraine's side

Sunday, 4 February 2024, 17:50
UK Foreign Secretary: We must stop talking about time not being on Ukraine's side
David Cameron. Photo: Bloomberg via Getty Images

UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron has said Britain must do everything it can to rally other countries to get behind Ukraine and stop the talk about a stalemate in the war.

Source: Cameron during a visit to the Middle East, as reported by European Pravda with reference to The Sunday Times

Quote: "[Russian President Vladimir] Putin has already suffered a massive strategic defeat, and we need to stop the talk about stalemate [on the battlefield in Ukraine] or time not being on Ukraine’s side."


Details: Cameron noted that the UK economy is 25 times the size of Russia’s, which certainly demonstrates that time is on the side of Ukraine’s partners and not on Putin’s.

The Foreign Secretary added that he would try to get this message across to Donald Trump if he returns to the White House. He also said that Ukraine is what he worries about most, "because for me, it’s just a challenge of our generation".

"This is like the 1930s when we didn’t do enough to stop [the] aggression [of Nazi Germany]… Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is like the most blatant example of one state invading another," Cameron stressed.

Dismissing claims from the Parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee that the UK "badly underestimated" the threat from Russia when he was Prime Minister in 2010-2016, Cameron said that Britain had led the way in calling for sanctions against Russia after Putin’s invasion of Crimea in 2014.

"It was a much harder argument then because of the sort of ‘confusion’ around what happened politically in Ukraine [after then-President Yanukovych fled to Russia – ed.]. But I wasn’t confused. I think it was clear it was an invasion, but it was difficult because you had other countries in Europe that didn’t want to do sanctions, didn’t want to do pressure," Cameron admitted.


  • Earlier, UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps stated that the West must ensure that Russia is defeated in Ukraine, otherwise it runs the risk of being attacked by other dictatorial regimes like China.
  • Shapps announced the beginning of a new era – the era of the pre-war world – in a speech on 16 January.
  • The chairman of NATO’s Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, has called for a transformation in the Alliance’s combat readiness in an era of unpredictability during which "anything" can happen.

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