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Plane of Ukraine's former pro-Russian president arrives in Belarus, where Belarusian and Russian leaders are meeting – Belaruski Hajun

Friday, 24 May 2024, 13:46
Plane of Ukraine's former pro-Russian president arrives in Belarus, where Belarusian and Russian leaders are meeting – Belaruski Hajun
Viktor Yanukovych and Vladimir Putin. Photo: Getty Images

A plane belonging to Viktor Yanukovych, the pro-Russian former president of Ukraine who fled the country after the Revolution of Dignity in 2014, has arrived in Belarus.

Source: Belaruski Hajun, an independent Belarusian military monitoring media outlet

Quote: "Viktor Yanukovych's Dassault Falcon 900C (RA-09617) landed at Gomel airport at 12:50."


Details: The analysts did not indicate who might be on board, but noted that Yanukovych last visited Belarus in March 2022. Ukrainska Pravda's sources in intelligence reported at the time that the Kremlin was preparing Yanukovych for a special operation – according to one scenario, they could have attempted to declare him "president of Ukraine".


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