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Ukrainian Defence Intelligence drones hit oil refinery in Russia's Kaluga Oblast – video

Friday, 15 March 2024, 09:58
Ukrainian Defence Intelligence drones hit oil refinery in Russia's Kaluga Oblast – video
The oil refinery in the village of Polotnyany Zavod, Russia, hit by Ukrainian drones. Photo: Yandex

Ukrainian drones attacked the Pervyy Zavod (lit. "First Plant") oil refinery in Russia's Kaluga Oblast on the night of 14-15 March.

Source: Ukrainska Pravda's source in Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU)

Details: The source said the UAVs successfully reached their target and struck it.


Ukrainska Pravda's source also stressed that the Putin regime was using this facility for military purposes.


Background: Attacks on Russian oil refineries affected over 10% of production capacities over 2 days

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