Ukrainian President's Office does not control Telegram channels, this is nonsense – official

Mykhailo Podoliak, adviser to the head of the Ukrainian President’s Office, has stated that the President's Office does not control any Telegram channels, but that these and other kinds of media should be "regulated" in terms of their transparency and reputation.
Source: Podoliak in an interview with
Quote: "I [can] officially state that the President's Office does not control [them] and I personally do not control Telegram channels. I think this is basically nonsense – controlling Telegram channels...
It is completely reasonable for you [the channels’ owners – ed.] to have significant influence, regardless of how I feel about you and how you feel about me. I am not talking about myself, but about the government as a whole, about institutions."
Details: Podoliak said the activities of Telegram and the media should be "regulated" in terms of transparency and reputation.
He also stated that he would like only media with a good reputation to have influence, but the world "is not exactly how we would like it to be".
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