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Russians strike open car wash in Snihurivka, 3 killed, 6 wounded – photos

Monday, 27 May 2024, 18:27
Russians strike open car wash in Snihurivka, 3 killed, 6 wounded – photos
Snihurivka marked with a red dotted line. Screenshot: DeepState Map

A Russian missile attack on Monday killed three people and wounded six others in the town of Snihurivka, Mykolaiv Oblast.

Source: Vitalii Kim, the Head of Mykolaiv Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Quote: "In Snihurivka, a missile targeted a self-service car wash. 2 have been wounded (one girl in serious condition).


P.S. An open car wash is a ‘super-important military target’. The Russians are terrorists."

Photo: State Emergency Service of Ukraine

Updated: The State Emergency Service of Ukraine has completed the rescue operations. As of 18:00, three people are known to have been killed and six injured in the missile attack on the town of Snihurivka.

Photo: State Emergency Service of Ukraine

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